Saturday, September 20, 2008

Toadly Insane

Which came first the chicken or the egg? Or in my case which came first, being married to an addict or acting crazy?

Was I crazy before I chose this very dysfunctional man to share my life with or did all his addict behavior make me insane?

I know I was a relatively healthy individual in my first marriage. My "saintly" first husband was happy and easy going. Sure we had some problems, I guess, I think a symptom of widowhood is that we get amnesia to anything that may have been negative and only remember all the wonderful things about our deceased spouse.

But honestly I don't remember needing antidepressants, or anxiety meds to get me through the day. I don't remember yelling names at him and having fantasies of wanting to kill him. I don't remember sharing my home with 14 animals~ I don't remember living in a house that is half painted on the inside and out. I don't remember worrying about living paycheck to paycheck even though we were in our twenties and not the mature age of being in our forties. I don't remember waking up in the morning afraid that he would find a list of things to blame me for. I don't remember being afraid that his behavior seems just a bit off, his eyes seem a little red, or he is slurring his words.

So this morning I was afraid. He was acting very moody and my defenses start to kick in. It's been 7 years and it's a habit that dies hard. So I started to act as he would say "crazy"....oh and he did say it, over and over again, he told me how crazy I am.

I hate him for that. I hate him because if I am the way I am now I blame him. He doesn't see how absolutely terrified I am of him using again, or even if he doesn't use he still can be capable of being the same asshole he was when he was using. I don't want that asshole back in my life. I want him away because I truly fear that if I have to go through this addict shit again I will become certifiably nuts.


Abc said...

Divorce that fuck! but really, you must have played SOME role bringing on his "addicty" behavior right? We're not ALL saints.

And we all have some crazy in us.

Molls said...

Yah, crazy is okay, afraid is not. I hate the blame game and the insecurities when the man is acting "off". I totally hear you on this post and I wish you luck.