I've heard myself say this over and over and I've said it because I've always believed it. Why else would I have stayed with you through all the bad times if I didn't know that behind all the ugliness of your addiction that you were a good man.
I know I've called you every horrible name I could come up with, and you kind of made it easy to find things to say about you. You did some awful things, you made me doubt myself and my sanity. You took away a lot of my self esteem and faith in my own judgement. But I think I may be done making you pay. I think now I'm able to let go. I now know you have a disease. I now know that I wasn't crazy all those years. I wish I had the insight back then to listen to what others were telling me about al-anon because we wasted so much time.
My number one thing to be grateful for is you. I am head over heels in love with my husband, you are a good man~
I am so glad I found this blog! Please keep writing.
That sounds so much like something I could have written myself. Recovery is beautiful for helping us see the good person in spite of the pain and horror of the addiction. Thanks for sharing.
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