AKA Mr. Loving Recovering.
"Good morning honey" to which he replied "Today is going to be a miserable fucken day"....
12 months ago this was my life. This may even have been considered cheerful for him back then.
I don't know how I did it. I do know how much I hate the cheerleader that I was. I would try so hard to make him happy. It was exhausting. It was pathetic. I was pathetic.
This I vow to myself....never, ever ever ever again will I put back on my pom poms and do the codependant cheer. If ever again he chooses to be Mr. Fucken Miserable, he will be Mr. Fucken Alone!!!
Well, there is a happy ending to this story. Mr. Fucken Miserable is in recovery and doing well. So well in fact that he heard himself say that today was going to be fucken miserable and shocked himself with his self fuflilling prophesy. He was able to turn it all around and today instead of being fucken miserable, he had a pretty fucken awesome day~
Holy Shit. Mr. Fuckin Miserable is in my bed RIGHT NOW! This guy gets around, eh?
I am completely familiar with mr. miserable. I have one of my very own sometimes.
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