Tonight I didn't want to be around my husband. He gets in these moods that can depress children at Disney Land.
What a downer he is. I want to punch him, kick him, basically hurt him real bad because after a long day at work I should be able to come home and be happy.
The reason for his unhappiness is not what I choose to write about tonight. I'm tired of figuring out what makes him happy and what little thing I may (or someone else) may have done to justify his foul mood.
So tonight I took my dog for a walk. What a wonderful creature she is. Just happy to be with her mom. She gets on what I call her happy feet, where she practically prances down the block. I recommend this to all codies who are blessed to have a dog. Leave the house, go outside and just be happy~
i totally agree with you, without my pups i'd probably more insane than i already am, heee heee heee
LR, I have discovered addicts/ alkies are selfish--even when no longer using. It's still complain, whine, moan, bitch, what about me?
You(& I) will put up with a lot of it, because we are so nice & enabling. But I totally understand that some days you want to just say "shut the f*** up".
My doggy always gives me unconditional love, but when we go for a walk? Now there is some real doggy gratitude! About the hubby thing, well, my husband is not an alcoholic, I am, I am also co-dependent.(that's not to say I don't think he some issues he could use some help with, but not for me to say) It has taken me a long time to let him be as miserable as he wants to be. I know I have done nothing wrong,and if I have then he should grow a pair and say what is on his mind! I love your blog!
LR, I hear thru the grapevine that you will delete posts occasionally. I wish you'd leave them up--I'd sure like to hear more from your side of life. In any case, I send you lots of electronic hugs and hope to hear more from you.
You totall hit the nail on the head for me about my husband! Sometimes I get home and just want to be happy and he can be such a downer - its as if he wants to create conflict... I think I will be walking the dog more!
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