My husband is at work.
The dogs are laying on the patio sunning themselves, the cats are napping and the birds are on their swings. We are all peaceful.
My husband is constant drama. It upsets me because he doesn't see how lucky he is. Even when everything is going his way he still is miserable.
It really upsets me because I don't understand how someone who is blessed to have gotten a promotion at work while others are getting laid off would have the nerve to complain, but he wouldn't be him if he didn't find something to feel bad about. What would he do with his time if he couldn't feel bad about himself?
I look at what we do have and feel fortunate. It upsets him when I tell him that he should appreciate his blessings because there are those who are ill, or unemployed or are losing their homes. He feels that his feelings are valid even if I don't think they compare to those that I think are truly suffering. We see things very differently this way.
I don't think he gets the whole gratitude thing, he thinks he does, but I have to say he doesn't.
I can't change him. I just have to learn how to not want to smother him to death when he starts with his wo-is-me attitude.
2 more hours he will be home from work and the misery begins!!! Oh joy~
I just posted about this. The addict mind, even in recovery, is still me, me, me. Everyone is out to screw them, everyone is talking about them, every thing has some hidden meaning.
They are nuts! I feel for you.
Ya know I totally get this ! My husband walks in every night with misery on his shoulder and it seems something he is comfortable with. It can be maddening but i just keep hoping that with his recovery will come change and that misery will be lifted sooner rather than later!
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