My recovering addict husband is doing well.
I mean really well. I'm sure he still struggles daily with his addiciton but for the most part he seems to be ~dare I say~HAPPY??
Never in my wildest imagination would I have ever thought things would turn out so good.
Life is far from perfect, we have our issues just like everyone else. Financially we are living very tight on a budget, my job is not very secure with layoffs occuring almost weekly now, I'm 10 pounds overweight (but still a size 4 on a good day, although the size 4 is a bit tight, ok I'm squeezing myself into the size 4 and I am in pain all day but I'm not going up to a size 6 just yet), my cat still has horrible digestive problems causing him to leak poop out of his butt at random times (mostly while he sitting on my lap)....but all in all things are good.
Hubby is employed for almost a year straight. I think that is a record~ and he's happy at work. I don't have to hear how he's out to get this one or that one because he doesn't like him or her...my panic attacks are almost nonexistent throughout my workday now.
Hubby is still very neurotic but at least he recognizes it and doesn't think his neurosis are justified. The woman eating popcorn at the movie theatre didn't ruin my Sunday, nor did the fact that strange people were food shopping at Walmart.
His clothes seem to make it into the laundry these days as opposed to accumulating all over the couch and floor. And if I do clean out his closet as I did last weekend he didn't complain it wasn't up to his standards.
He is living on a budget and not blaming me that there is no money for him to buy the clothes he thinks he should have or the dinner out he feels entitled to or the designer crap that he never needed nor could afford in the past. Doesn't everyone who drives a 10 year old truck need a Mont Blanc pen?? Have that argument if you want to lose your mind!
I think I believe 99% of what comes out of his mouth....this time last year I would say it was closer to 10% on a good day.
Living with an addict has been crazy and whats crazier is how many times I've been called crazy.
He still seems to manage to call me crazy...I don't know what's up with this other than only a crazy person stays married to an addict even if it does turn out ok.
But today...life I love you, all is groovy!
you made me smile today.
I feel you LR! Having a small stretch of Good Days myself and it sure is nice. And my cat isn't leaking poop! Wow, how lucky am I?!
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