Saturday, June 27, 2009


hope, I hope with all my soul that my husband stays sober. Sobriety has been a long road but today he is in recovery. He is in recovery and doing remarkable. Someone recently told me that I am lucky to be married to an addict in recovery because they are always practicing how to become a better person, they have self awareness. I agree....

hope, there was a time I didn't have any. If anyone reads this post who is in the midst of addiction, know there is hope. My husband is living proof. However, I must always remember we live one day at a time. So today he is sober, today was good.


Mary (MPJ) said...

Yep, I am grateful to have recovery in our marriage. We just keep growing and growing. (Some of that is because we ate berry pie tonight, but still!) ;)

Paula said...

Just found your blog. I am so glad that he seeks recovery that he is growing and every day sober is agift for him for which he worked hard. I can relate to the pain and up heavel you have gone through till he got sober. I am in Al Anon, he got sobr, he doesnt seek recovery tough. After a year of sobriety I moved to him ( to the USA) his sick pattern took over. He dumped me, leaving me with nothing. Returned to Europe, not having flat or work. Hard time. I am so glad for you both traveling the road of recovery together. Both, not just one. It is good to know that some go all the way, not half only. Wish you well and keep you in my thoughts.

marineland said...

Hi. I stumbled across your blog looking for ways to deal woth the man I'm in love with..he and I have been apart for nearly a year, and to not go into allt he gory details, he's looking at jail time right now. He has "hit bottom." I would like to talk with you about how this works (I can't be with him or even see him openly because of our past "issues") I hope you will contact me..God knows I could use some support.