I'm having a hard time at work right now. I went to the doctor this afternoon because last night I had an anxiety attack, that or just deep depression mixed with great dread.
The doctor was so understanding that it almost added to my anxiety. It seems I'm not the only one running to him these days with the same story. Layoffs at work seem to be sending many of us to see our doctors these days.
I'm still hanging on to my job but its becoming harder to hide my desparation. We've all become about becoming indespensible. Quite alot of pressure Monday through Friday.
I miss the days of bitching about not having a long enough lunch hour or not having a big enough cubicle. Now I'm grateful they let me in the doors each morning.
I know this is not something the wife of an addict should say but sometimes there is better living through chemistry. Yoga, meditation, it's not going to get me through this...sorry, I can't practice what I preach. All I can think right now is let the medication kick in~
Prayers to you tonight! Anxiety sucks!
my dad always said: everything in moderation is okay. so if medication is what you need, and if it helps, use it... just don't abuse it...
I do practice what I preach. thanks for stopping by jeNN.
Honestly, I'm feeling the same pressure at work...it's like having a monkey on my back. Maybe I'll try some of whatever they gave you...Hang in there.
Where you been?
Wow....this is the third blog I've read tonight where friends are complaining about fighting depression. I am fighting it as well right now. Ugh
I agree and relate to this post. I got into a very very dark place of anxiety/depression last week, and the best decision I made to get me through the worst of it was anxiety medication. I was just at a meeting where they were talking about using medication for its intended purpose vs. abusing it. It is possible to take medicine as prescribed so that it will help you, its just important to check your intentions. Prayer and meditation don't always do the trick when you're in that moment of panic. Wintertime is especially hard on us anxiety sufferers. Best of luck to you!
Anxiety is tough, I have had bouts throughout my life and I send you many good thoughts. BTW I would love to add you to my blogroll is that's okay?
Oh man I can relate. Hang in there!
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