Sunday, December 21, 2008

PMS ~Pardon My Suffering

As I am getting older my lady time (as Ray calls it on Everybody Loves Raymond) seems to be getting more and more painful....
Yet I am proud to say that during this very difficult week I have managed to smile my way through a ton of holiday parties.
In the midst of my craziness I found myself driving home from work the other day cursing my husband non stop because I felt I was being forced to attend his boss' Christmas party~ I hated him so much I called him every name and fantasized about hurting him in many ways only to have him come home, ignore my mood and be his most lovable adorable self.
I am grateful this week for the babydoll top being in style, for my jeans with stretch in them, for my one pair of comfy black pants that no one noticed I wore almost daily to work and most of all, I am grateful for my very understanding wonderful loving husband for learning how to live with me in spite of my mood swings and my big ugly comfy sweats!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! You forgot:
Putting Up (with) Men's Shit! LOL. I am with ya sista! I have to just be real quiet and vibrate through it, and cry whenever necessary. Great post!

Shadow said...

way to go grateful list that!